I arrived early to the event 30 minutes before my expected arrival time as normal, but this time I sat in my vehicle for about 5 minutes coming up with a few one-liners just in case I needed to defend myself :)
The birthday party was great and everyone in attendance had fun. I may be a bit biased, but the theme (90's) was the best part! Happy Birthday Anaya, and I wish you the best of happiness and success in adulthood.
Here are some images from the race. Click the link below for the rest.
2016 All American Marathon
2016 All American Marathon
2016 All American Marathon
2016 All American Marathon
2016 All American Marathon
2016 All American Marathon
2016 All American Marathon
Check the link at www.mobilephotoshoot.com/allamerican for images.
Distance from vehicle to shoot location: 1/2 mile
Gear: a lot :)
This was my most grueling photoshoot this summer by far. But the results are exactly as visioned. The location matched the theme, and the model put the outfit together flawlessly. There will be an update to this with the final composite, so consider these as BTS :). Hey Disney, if you're looking for extras to star in "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales", then look no further! The final composite of this shoot will be very interesting. I promise...
]]>"This amazing barbarian shoot features the beautiful Lady Violet Arcane. We love the idea of a homage to female barbarians & shamans. Photography by Christopher Grissett" -Geek X Girls
Published online at Geek X Girls.
This amazing barbarian shoot features the beautiful Lady Violet Arcane. We love the idea of a homage to female barbarians & shamans. Photography by Christopher Grissett. www.christophergrissett.com
This amazing barbarian shoot features the beautiful Lady Violet Arcane. We love the idea of a homage to female barbarians & shamans. Photography by Christopher Grissett. www.christophergrissett.com
This amazing barbarian shoot features the beautiful Lady Violet Arcane. We love the idea of a homage to female barbarians & shamans. Photography by Christopher Grissett. www.christophergrissett.com
This amazing barbarian shoot features the beautiful Lady Violet Arcane. We love the idea of a homage to female barbarians & shamans. Photography by Christopher Grissett. www.christophergrissett.com
This amazing barbarian shoot features the beautiful Lady Violet Arcane. We love the idea of a homage to female barbarians & shamans. Photography by Christopher Grissett. www.christophergrissett.com
This amazing barbarian shoot features the beautiful Lady Violet Arcane. We love the idea of a homage to female barbarians & shamans. Photography by Christopher Grissett. www.christophergrissett.com
This amazing barbarian shoot features the beautiful Lady Violet Arcane. We love the idea of a homage to female barbarians & shamans. Photography by Christopher Grissett. www.christophergrissett.com
This amazing barbarian shoot features the beautiful Lady Violet Arcane. We love the idea of a homage to female barbarians & shamans. Photography by Christopher Grissett. www.christophergrissett.com
This amazing barbarian shoot features the beautiful Lady Violet Arcane. We love the idea of a homage to female barbarians & shamans. Photography by Christopher Grissett. www.christophergrissett.com
70 years on this earth is a blessing. I had the honor of photographing the birthday celebration of someone that was well loved by both his family, and friends (many of which called him dad, or Doctor). Nothing satisfies me more than seeing the look on family member's faces when they love and enjoy being around each other.
I drove from Fayetteville, North Carolina to Wilmington, North Carolina right after the snow and ice blanketed the roadways just a week earlier, so I knew I had to take my time, but luckily it had already cleared. Do I travel....why yes I do :)
Happy Birthday Mr. Green!
]]>The winners were named Friday, May 24: The Fayetteville Observer's Andrew Craft (Best in Show); Christopher Grissett (first place, color); Victor Sanchez (first place, black and white); and Brittany Hunter (first place, digital manipulation).
Source: http://fayobserver.com/articles/2013/05/26/1258111
My winning image (pictured below) is on display, amongst the other great photographs at the Arts Council until June 22, 2013.
A total of 28 full-time staffers received the news Thursday morning at a meeting held at the Sun-Times offices in Chicago, according to sources familiar with the situation. The layoffs are effective immediately."
Source: http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/breaking/chi-chicago-sun-times-photo-20130530,0,4361142.story
Given the fact that most people get their "news" fix online these days, I believe this is going to bite them in the end......literally. It also rumored that reporters will start receiving “iPhone photography basics” training to start producing their own photos and videos. Really.....iPhone....specifically?
I only hope that this move doesn't encourage other news agencies to do the same, but I believe that it will be used as a case study.
]]>The City of Fayetteville, NC and Fayetteville Police Department held the first annual RUN UNITED 5k Fun Run & Walk to benefit the United Way of Cumberland County at Honeycutt Park today, October 27, 2012. The weather was perfect!
I covered this event as a way of giving back to the community. Runners, sponsors, and attendees can view their individual photos at the gallery link below. Thanks to Ruthie Dent of the United Way for allowing Christopher Grissett Photography to come out and provide photography coverage.
The United Way of Cumberland County hosted a launch ceremony to celebrate the activation of the health and human service needs hotline. 2-1-1 is a free, 24 hour, multi-lingual telephone referral service and a valuable planning tool which helps communities identify issues, gaps in services and assets available to meet local needs. In attendance was Mayor Anthony Chavonne, City of Fayetteville; Jim Morrison, President, UWNC; Robert Hines, President and CEO, UWCC; funding partner representatives from Cape Fear Valley Health System, City of Fayetteville, Cumberland County, Fayetteville Public Works Commission, Give an Hour, and United Way of NC; and community supporters. Photography coverage provided by Christopher Grissett Photography